Join our First Anniversary

Spoiler Alert! Universal Beijing Resort 1st Anniversary is coming!

Universal Beijing Resort is welcoming our first Anniversary in this September! On September 20, 2021, we officially opened our gate and brought forth the extraordinary journey of 7 themed lands to the world. To celebrate this special occasion, we have prepared a series of anniversary surprises for you! Come and take a sneak peek at all the surprises coming your way…


  • Join topic discussion on RED to win prizes

Starting from September 5th, join #UniversalBeijingResortStoriesAction topic discussion on RED and share your highlights at Universal Beijing Resort to win anniversary prizes!

1 yr Anniversary1 yr Anniversary


  •  Join digital activities to unlock anniversary prizes and digital badges


Starting from September 13, interactive activities will be launched on both WeChat Mini Program and Alibaba Mini Program. Join these online events and win anniversary prizes!



Engage in quiz to win prizes

How much do you know about Universal Beijing Resort?  Enter [Universal Beijing Resort - Play Quiz to Win Prizes] WeChat Mini Program from September 13, play the quiz to unlock digital badges and even win a chance to visit Universal Studios Beijing with 99.9% off ticket price!

1 yr Anniversary

Experience 360° panoramic exploration to look for hidden surprises

From September 13, enter Alipay and search for Universal Beijing Resort Alibaba mini program, explore the blockbuster world in a panoramic view, discover Easter eggs to light up 1st Anniversary digital badge and get lucky draw chances to win limited prizes!

1 yr Anniversary
  • Make this Autumn more fun with special Anniversary products

Universal Beijing Resort One Year Anniversary Staycation Package: An all-in-one luxurious play and stay experience might just be what you need!

Adding more spice to this exciting moment, a series of anniversary products will also be on sale for a limited time from September 13.

  1. Universal Studios Beijing One Year Anniversary Three-Visit General Admission Ticket: Enjoy the golden autumn with three visits.
  2. Universal Studios Beijing One Year Anniversary 1.5-Day Dated Ticket: Enjoy a half more day with 25% off discount.


That’s enough of the sneak peek! Download Universal Beijing Resort official APP and follow our WeChat official account to receive more updates on our Anniversary surprises. We are looking forward to celebrating this 1st Anniversary with you!